We are very excited to share our most recent Newsreel with you! You should be receiving a copy in the mail this week. To read or share a digital copy of our recent publication, click here or on the image above. 

2018 November Newsreel Articles Include:

  • The Biz: Labor Union Approval Steady at 15-Year High 
  • 2018 Retiree Reunion was a Great Success (Click here to view more photos from the event)
  • Ford vs Ferrari: The Story of Le Mans 66 
  • Local 399 Contract Updates 
  • Member Spotlight: Cinelease Drivers & Warehouse Workers 
  • Women Rising at the 2018 Women’s Conference 
  • TNBC Annual Conference: Building Pathways for the Next Generation 
  • Q&A with Secretary-Treasurer Steve Dayan 
  • Dues Increase January 2019 
  • 4th Annual Classic Car & Motorcycle Show (Click here to view more photos from the event)
  • Events, Announcements, Retirees & Obituaries 

Have an idea for an article for the next Newsreel or for our website? Email amy@ht399.org with any suggestions. 

Introduction Article By Secretary-Treasurer Steve Dayan: 

“Greetings Sisters and Brothers.

As you already know, Local 399 has ratified both the “Black Book” and Location Manager Agreements with new three-year contracts. I’d like to thank our Driver/Coordinator Committees and the Members who participated in our online surveys. These were not easy negotiations. The Employers wanted to take away many of the gains we’ve achieved over the years, such as the elimination of Grouping and the Chef Driver classification. We achieved solid improvements to our contracts with good increases to wages including Pension and health increases and much more. Most importantly, Local 399 did that without taking any rollbacks or takeaways to your contracts.

I’m proud that we chose to ratify the Agreements with an online ratification process for the very first time. We increased voter turnout significantly for both ratifications. 48% of our Members voted in the “Black Book” ratification and 56% voted in the Location Manager ratification. We increased Member participation from the 2015 Contract Ratification process by 13% in the “Black Book” and by 24% in the Location Manager Agreement. We were also able to update our Members’ personal information to better communicate with all of our Members going forward. Although we improved voter turnout, 52% of our “Black Book” covered Members did not vote and 44% of our Location Managers did not vote either. We have improved voter participation and we will continue to work diligently to improve voter participation going forward. 

We have a major mid-term election coming on November 6, 2018. What are the Media and political parties talking about? Voter participation. I urge all of you to vote! If you don’t vote in this election, you don’t have a right to complain. We have an opportunity in this election cycle to vote for people who will fight for organized labor. If you don’t vote in this election, you do so at your own peril. The IBT, Local 399 and the Labor movement fight every day on your behalf. You may not feel or see it immediately, but it does have an impact. The Labor movement cannot make the changes needed to better your lives without your vote. I encourage each Member to not only vote in November, but please tell your friends and family to do the same. We must do better in this election cycle and into the future. The strength and power of this Local comes from each and every one of you. “Together we bargain, divided we beg” is so true. Our power comes from our collective voice. We are able to bargain better conditions because we bargain together, not by ourselves. I know many of you may feel depressed about what’s happening in our country and throughout the world. What we can do is make certain our voices are heard. We have to actively engage our elected officials and let them know what matters most to us is protecting working families and their ability to bargain decent health, pension, wages and working conditions for all Americans right now. We will be asking you to write, phone and march for what we believe are the basic rights of all Americans-to organize and bargain collectively. The most important thing you can do is actually the easiest, vote. Vote in every election but vote for leaders and legislation that supports working families, not the wealthy. I’m counting on all of you to help us reach the goal of a better life for working families. We can do this.

We are also in preparations for our Casting Director Agreement. I’d like to thank the staffs of Teamsters Local 817 in New York and Local 399 in Hollywood, as well as both the Los Angeles and New York based Casting Committees for their diligence and hard work! We will provide the results once we have them.

We had a great time in Las Vegas at our annual Retiree Reunion at the Golden Nugget! A heartfelt thanks to all of our retirees for coming and sharing their lives with us. A special thanks to Business Agent Chris Sell and our Staff for making this event such a success! Next year, we plan on holding a dinner banquet here in Hollywood to honor our Retirees.

The 4th annual Car & Motorcycle show was held in August. I know everyone had a good time looking at cars & bikes and enjoying the bands and events we prepared for you. Please see the article in this Newsreel and thanks to everyone that joined us at the event.  

We’ve had some unfortunate deaths in our ranks this past year due to mental health issues. I’d like to remind you all of the great benefits you have available to you through MPIPHP. If you or a family member are depressed or having suicidal thoughts, please make sure to utilize the mental health benefits available to you. There is no shame in asking for help, whatever the reason you may have.

Lastly, on behalf of the staff of Local 399, I’d like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous Holiday season!


Steve Dayan, Teamsters Local 399 Secretary-Treasurer”