DOT Admins at Warner Bros. & Universal Unanimously Ratify Agreement 

We are proud to welcome the newest Members of Local 399 — the DOT Administrators from both Warner Bros. and Universal. Both groups have unanimously ratified their first-ever Union contract after a lengthy organizing effort. 

As Members may recall, we originally proposed this Classification be added to our “Black Book” Agreement in 2018 which was rejected by the Studios. This prompted an organizing effort led by Teamsters Local 399 to collect cards from both the Warner Bros. and Universal DOT Admins and proceed to an NLRB Election. After the elections, the Companies appealed the results and asked for a hearing. The NLRB ultimately denied the company’s appeal which required the companies to bargain with Local 399. 

In the end, we were able to secure Strong contracts with both Studios improving the wages, benefits and working conditions for these hardworking individuals. The DOT Admins at Universal and Warner Brothers contracts will take effect starting December 1st. This organizing effort is just the beginning. Stay tuned for a full overview of this new Unit in our January 2020 Newsreel.  

We are proud of this Unit for sticking together throughout this lengthy process and are grateful for the guidance and commitment by the Negotiating Committees comprised of: Jessica Thomas and Rodji Munoz at Warner Brothers and Sherri Warren and Charlie Nordberg at Universal. Please join us in welcoming our newest Local 399 Brothers & Sisters into our Union family. 

If you have any questions about this new Classification, please email Business Agent and Organizer Lindsay Dougherty: