We are excited to welcome our newest Teamster Local 399 Brothers from Zio Studio Services. The Unit overwhelmingly voted in favor of ratifying their first 3-year Union Contract. We are grateful for the support we received from our current Members at Studio Services during this process, as the two groups are now both covered under one Union Contract. We are welcoming 25 new Z Crew Members into our Union with the 5 current Members from Studio Services.
Zio Studio Services is an independent production industry vehicle rental company that will now be the only union restroom rental company in California. Additionally, Zio is the only truck and van rental company that is signatory with Teamsters Local 399 outside of the major studios. Zio was founded in 2007 by Local 399 Member Louis Dargenzio and has grown exponentially over the years.
This first contract has secured wage increases, increased health and retirement benefits and also sought to address improvements to working conditions. We look forward to welcoming these new Brothers into our Membership and working with the Zio Studio Services group to continually build upon their contract, provide Union representation and address any and all issues that arise.
We want to remind our Members of the importance of renting from Union. Your decision to support Union Rental companies directly impacts your very own Union Sisters and Brothers. Learn more about the equipment rentals from Zio Studio Services here: https://ziostudioservices.com/
We will be highlighting this expanded Unit in our Winter Newsreel that will come out in January. Stay tuned.
Please join us in welcoming this new Unit into our Teamsters Local 399 Family. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Business Agent Joshua Staheli who will be representing this Unit: jstaheli@ht399.org.