Keep It Alive! : Join us for the “Thank You California Campaign”

The California Film and TV Tax Credit Program must be renewed in 2018.

We need YOU to become part of the campaign to remind the legislature that this program for the working women and men of the Film and Television Industry is working!

You can help by allowing us to share a photo of you and your loved ones to put a happy face to the positive impact of the program.

It’s easy – Plan to attend the upcoming photo-shoot this Saturday!

WHERE: Paramount Studio Parking Garage – 900 N. Van Ness Ave (Van Ness & Lemon Grove)

WHEN: Saturday, January 6th, 2018


With your help, we were successful in passing historic legislation that brought thousands of entertainment jobs back to California.

We learned from the first campaign that when legislators see who we are, it is a reminder that this is about real people, working in real middle-class jobs, supporting real families.

Please RSVP at:

Bring your family Members to support filming in California!

Click here to invite people to our FB Event & help us spread the word!