Teamsters Local 399 Members: How Can We Support You?

(Take a Short Survey)

As the COVID-19 situation continues, we are constantly working to take the best steps forward while always diligently preparing for the worst. It can be intimidating to read through articles making projections on the impact this virus will have on our City, our State, our Nation and our World. We know that one of the most challenging concerns facing our Members today is the loss of work. We understand that the stress of this situation is causing growing economic pain and hardship for many of our hard working Members. I want to encourage and remind each and every one of you that we are in this together. If we stand and fight this together, we will win together, and I truly believe we will come out stronger on the other side.

We want to thank our Members that have reached out to us over the past week. Many of you have voiced concerns, asked questions and shared some incredible ideas as to how our Members might be able to give back and support the efforts to protect our Communities. We know that every single one of our Members are uniquely impacted by this situation. Some of you have voiced concerns over your ability to provide for your family if this situation spans over several weeks, whereas others have been seeking out any opportunities to volunteer and give back. We want you to know that we are here to meet you wherever you’re at during this uncertain time.

In order to help us best assess what our Members needs are, and to ensure we are supporting all during this time, we wanted to make it as simple as possible. We created two short surveys to address those that are in need of extra assistance and/or those that are able to give back.

If You Need Assistance – Ask.
There is NO shame in asking for help.

Let us support you or help connect you to existing resources during this time.

Click here or on the graphic below to let us know if you need assistance.


If You Can Help – GIVE.
We are in touch with City Officials and Charitable Organizations in an effort to stand ready at a moment’s notice. We want to identify who are in a place to give back to our community during this time. We shoot all over this city, let’s give back to the communities that support our livelihoods.

Click here or on the graphic below to let us know if you are in a place to give back.

Please take a moment to complete one of the short surveys above. Your responses will help us make decisions that will impact our Membership.Your input and guidance is extremely important. If you have a specific concern or immediate need, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Business Agent.

We work to support you in the best of times and the worst of times.

Please make us your first call and stay safe.